

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Do you feel pain or stiffness in your lower body? A joint problem might be to blame, but there are several joint dysfunctions that could cause similar symptoms. At ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, we provide natural, holistic pain management with special emphasis on musculoskeletal disorders. This week, we want to educate our patients about one of the lesser-known causes of lower back pain: sacroiliac joint dysfunction.


The sacrum is the structure of fused vertebrae that dangles beneath the lumbar region of the spine. It connects on both sides to the iliac crests, which are the highest bones of the pelvis, and the two connections are called the sacroiliac joints. These joints can suffer stress, especially when their supporting lower back and pelvis muscles are weak or tight; typically they don’t have very much mobility.  Inflammation of these joints is called sacroiliitis, and it may cause a person to feel sore in their lower back and buttock. Usually, only one side is inflamed at a time.


Although sacroiliac joint dysfunction is less likely than a herniated lumbar disc to compress a nerve, it could still cause pain to radiate outwards. A person is especially likely to feel pain when they put weight on the joint. We can make a diagnosis by testing how a patient responds to pressure on different bones. If a person has a sacroiliac issue, we can treat them by performing chiropractic adjustments, and by reducing their inflammation through low level laser therapy and electric muscle stimulation. Our chiropractor, Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo, is a Chiropractic Sports Physician and Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner; he may also recommend therapeutic exercises to strengthen the lower back and pelvic regions.

If you suspect you have sacroiliac joint dysfunction or a similar disorder, visit Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355.


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