

Friday, March 1, 2019

Crucial Workout Mistakes

Exercising is important for your health, and at ACT Wellness Center we encourage all our patients to be active. Dr. Carmelo F. Caratozzolo, a practicing chiropractor and chiropractic sports physician, has patients that experience all kind of sports injuries - workout injuries as well. Here are a few simple mistakes you can make during exercise that cause pain, so keep these tips in mind so your workout is maximized and you can continue working out. 

Not warming up, or warming up with just stretching, is not the right way to start exercising. Light warm-up exercises will raise your heart rate and increase circulation, providing better blood flow to muscles. Even five minutes of light cardio exercise and some easy stretching can have this effect. Stretching after a workout is just as important as before. When muscles have been warmed up and worked out, stretching will feel easier and can prevent soreness by releasing lactic acid buildup in the muscles.


Even athletes and people who exercise regularly can experience strain. Core strength is a necessary skill for healthy everyday living. Core and abdominal strength are needed for supporting the spine and abdominal muscles should be trained with every workout.  Regardless of which muscle group is being exercised, strong core and proper form are important for avoiding injuries.


The most common workout mistake is simple yet critical: pushing yourself too far. This includes pushing the limits in terms of weight lifting, too much twisting of the spine, and exercising excessively. If you’re just starting to exercise, make sure to take it slowly. Listen to your body’s response and slowly build strength rather than pushing yourself over the limit.


If you are worried about your workout routine or that you may have possibly sustained an injury, don’t wait for the problem to get worse - contact ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, VA. You can set up an appointment with Dr. Carmelo F. Caratozzolo both online and over the phone. Schedule online at our website,, or call 703-491-9355. Dr. C has been voted best Chiropractor in Prince William County, 9 years in a row!

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