With the coronavirus pandemic spanning the entire globe, building your immune system is more important now than ever. At ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, VA, Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo treats weakened immune systems without drugs or surgery, promoting wellness and overall health for our patients today. Subluxation Spinal misalignment or subluxation refers to when your spine or another vertebrae is misaligned or moved from its original position. This misalignment can impair the brain’s communication with the body’s neural pathways. Because everything is connected in the body, including the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system, a subluxation can lower your immunity. Your Woodbridge, VA chiropractor will adjust your spine using a variety of spinal manipulations designed to relieve the pressure of a misaligned spine. Diet At ACT Wellness Center, we aim to provide a holistic treatment plan that leaves our patients feeling better than ever before. This includes a diet plan. A poor diet with unhealthy foods wreaks havoc on your immune system and leaves a person vulnerable to multiple health problems and illnesses. Dr. Caratozzolo will work with you to develop a diet plan that perfectly fits your routine and lifestyle. Sleep Lack of sleep is another factor that impacts your immunity. To promote healthy sleep practices, we employ relaxation massages. Usually, sleeping trouble happens when a person is unable to relax and this massage does just the trick to wind down and sleep better. To learn more, contact Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center at 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355 today.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Immune System
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
4 Tips for Computer Users
Spending long hours in front of the screen? The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we work, logging into meetings from Zoom instead of the office due to stay-at-home orders. But spending all day on the computer has detrimental effects on your spine health. That’s why Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo of ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, VA provides expert care and tips for patients who use the computer regularly for their work-related tasks. Here are four tips for computer users. Proper Posture Staring at your computer places immense strain on your neck and back. Don’t hunch your back or move your face closer to the screen. Instead, keep your body including your neck and back in a neutral position. Make sure your feet are flat on the ground with elbows remaining on your sides. Take Breaks Frequent breaks to stretch and move around are beneficial for lessening the strain that comes from sitting in front of your laptop for long hours. Your Woodbridge, VA chiropractor recommends 15 minutes for a stretch break or a walk to relax your muscles, increase blood flow, and reduce numbness. Change Positions Dr. Caratozzolo advises all his patients to avoid staying in one position while working. If you primarily complete tasks while sitting in front of your computer, consider incorporating standing work. Whether it’s simply sending an email over a standing desk or taking a call while walking around the room, your spine will thank you for changing your work positions. Adjust Your Workspace Adjust your workspace, so your body doesn’t have to do extra work to do work. Ensure your screen isn’t too far away that you have to move forward. The same for your keyboard. Your fingers need to reach the keys without your body twisting or turning. Another tip is using light touches to type on your computer. Hard strokes not only damage your device but also potentially wreck your tendons. To learn more, contact Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center at 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355 today.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Your Mental Health
Back pain, stiff ligaments, and dislocated joints—this is what we usually associate with chiropractic care. But at ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, VA, Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo believes in ensuring his patients’ overall wellness and that includes mental health. Here are four reasons why you should visit our office today for your mental health care. A Mind-Body Connection Chiropractors believe the entire body is connected and at ACT Wellness Center, our beliefs are no different. Our multidisciplinary approach to wellness puts a strong emphasis on the mind-body connection. This means no stone is unturned and we look at diet, massage therapies, exercise, and adjustments to provide a holistic treatment plan. Decrease Pain Chronic pain has a tremendous effect on an individual’s mood and mental health. Your Woodbridge, VA chiropractor provides non-invasive procedures to relieve pain that clouds the mind and causes mental health illnesses like depression or anxiety. Relaxation Constant worry and a toll on mental health can wreak havoc on your body, not to mention your sleep and general ability to relax. From massage that invigorates soft tissues and reduces muscle tension to posture correction, we will drastically improve your sleep and promote relaxation for a better quality of life. Fix Spinal Misalignment Your spine is one of the most important parts of your body, connecting your neurological system so your brain and body can communicate. Stress and anxiety can be a result of a misaligned spine. After we adjust your spine, your body will trigger positive hormones such as cortisol and oxytocin, which lifts your mood, blocks pain, and gives you the “feel-good” hormone. Natural Treatments While many traditional treatment plans for mental health disorders include therapy and medications, chiropractic care is a great alternative if you’re looking for an all-natural and no side effects approach to mental health. At ACT Wellness Center, we provide natural ways to treat common mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. To learn more, contact Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center at 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355 today.
Approaches to Subluxations
Chiropractic is a lot more than just pushing on someone’s back to make it feel better. At ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, we believe in p...
Chiropractic is a lot more than just pushing on someone’s back to make it feel better. At ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, we believe in p...
An ancient technique that dates back almost 3,000 years ago, ear reflex points, or auricular therapy, is a fantastic way to relieve pain wi...
Weightlifting is an excellent way to strengthen your musculoskeletal system. As a certified sports physician and chiropractor, ACT Wellness ...