

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hip Bursitis

Last week, we discussed how pain in your legs could be related to your lower back. Another possibility is that a problem in the hip is referring pain to nearby areas. If you’ve developed bursitis in your hip, we at the ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge can help you move comfortably again. But hip bursitis and its underlying causes can be tricky to identify, so let’s take a closer look at how bursae work.


Bursae are small cushions that secrete lubricant. There are many of them, including some in the front of the hips, but the ones likeliest to be responsible for hip pain are located to the sides and tops of the hips. The trochanteric bursae are positioned over the bony knobs on the outward side of the top of the thigh bones, one on each side. A connective tissue called the iliotibial band stretches over each, and a hip muscle called the gluteus medius connects nearby. Inflammation in these tissues could put pressure on the bursa.


Hip bursitis is usually more painful when a person has been at rest, or after a repetitive motion. One of the tests for identifying it is to ask a patient to try crossing their leg over the midline of their body, which would often be difficult. Treatments include temporarily reducing activity, extremity adjustments to correct problems in the hip or knee’s alignment, low level laser therapy to reduce inflammation, and therapeutic exercise to rebuild the hip’s strength and flexibility. We can also perform adjustments on the lower back if the patient has been walking with an uneven gait to avoid putting more pressure on one hip.


If you’ve suffered a hip injury or have gradually felt it become stiffer and more painful, schedule a visit to Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at the ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Upper Back Pain

Do you frequently suffer from upper back pain? If so, you’re in good company. Although pain in the upper back isn’t as common as in the neck or lower back, it’s still one of the most common ailments. Some surveys have found that almost ten percent of men and twenty percent of women are suffering from it at any given time. The good news is that upper back pain usually responds well to safe, holistic treatments, and that the ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge provides a variety of complementary therapies and postural correction techniques.

The upper back, or thoracic spine, is made up of twelve vertebrae. They have additional joints that connect to the ribs, making them less mobile than the other vertebrae and therefore less likely to suffer acute injuries. However, they may still suffer from wear and tear, especially when the muscles near them are overused. People who make repetitive motions with their arms, such as painters, may strain their back and shoulder muscles. But people who simply sit with bad posture, such as office workers and truck drivers, also run a risk that their tendons will tighten. Swelling in the thoracic region could also compress one of the spinal nerves, which could result in pain or numbness radiating into the chest.

We offer several means of relieving upper back pain and reducing inflammation, including chiropractic adjustments, low level laser therapy, and pulsed electromagnetic therapy. But to prevent a relapse, patients will need to do therapeutic stretches and make sure they don’t sit in the same position for too long in the future.

For fast, non-addictive, and minimally invasive relief from upper back pain, visit Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355.


Thursday, May 7, 2020


Do you suffer from pain in your shoulder or arm? You may have a stinger. We don’t just provide assistance for people with back pain at the ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge. As experts in caring for the musculoskeletal system, we also provide extremity adjustments. This means we are able treat pain in the limbs without drugs or surgery, so let’s take a closer look at how stingers work and what we can do.


Many nerves branch out of the spinal cord in the neck. The ones that travel to each arm bundle together in each shoulder into what is called the brachial plexus. When a person’s shoulder is pushed down and their head is pushed in the opposite direction, the brachial plexus on that side is compressed. A person may feel a sensation of shock or burning down their arm, and although the pain may disappear after a few seconds, it tends to get worse and last longer with each injury. Sometimes, pain from a stinger can last for days.


We’ll perform physical diagnostics and imaging tests to determine whether a patient has a displaced joint in their neck or shoulder that may be compressing the shoulder nerves. A chiropractic adjustment can be performed on shoulder joints, as well as the spinal column, relieving excess pressure on the nerves and muscles. As a certified chiropractic sports physician, Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo can also prescribe stretches to restore the muscles’ strength and recommend specialized shoulder pads to keep them protected as they heal. We also offer pulsed electromagnetic therapy to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as low level laser therapy to stimulate the growth of new tissue.


If you’ve suffered an injury to your neck or shoulder, schedule a visit with Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at the ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355.

Approaches to Subluxations

Chiropractic is a lot more than just pushing on someone’s back to make it feel better. At ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, we believe in p...