

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Degenerative Disc Disease

Herniated discs are a common problem, and one of the leading causes of lower back pain. Besides causing local soreness, they may pinch one of the sciatic nerves, causing shooting pain or numbness down a patient’s leg. At the ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, we provide safe, fast-acting relief for people who are suffering from herniated discs, but treatment may vary depending on whether the disc has suffered an acute injury or long-term degeneration.


The spinal discs function as shock absorbers and help to keep pressure off the spinal joints. They are made up of a gel-like center, called the nucleus pulposus, and an outer ring of fibers, called the annulus fibrosus. In a person with degenerative disc disease, the nucleus pulposus loses water, making the disc less effective at absorbing shocks and putting it at risk of becoming deformed. Small tears in the annulus fibrosus cause it to release proteins that trigger inflammation, and changes in the nucleus pulposus’s shape may cause it to bulge outward, compressing nearby nerves.


The causes of disc degeneration are not fully understood, but lifestyle modifications can ease pressure on the spinal discs. Keeping the core muscles strong will allow them to share the discs’ burden, and maintaining good posture will keep them from straining. We can provide chiropractic adjustments to spinal discs that are out of place and reduce inflammation through treatments such as low level laser therapy and pulsed electromagnetic fields. We can also provide patients with a nutritional analysis that will inform more individualized preventive treatments.


If you suffer from back pain or are interested in preventive care, visit Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at the ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Chiropractic Approach to Whiplash

Whiplash is a scary name, and the syndrome can cause someone a lot of problems. Pain from damaged neck muscles and ligaments could radiate to the shoulder or to the head, and a person with swelling would also experience limited movement. We provide a variety of safe, complementary treatments at the ACT Wellness Center for people who have suffered whiplash, but because symptoms don’t always appear right away, we need for everyone to understand why seeking treatment is important.


Another name for whiplash is “cervical acceleration-deceleration syndrome,” because it affects the neck, or cervical region, and it is caused by the head being whipped back and forth. Most often, this kind of injury appears in people who have been in motor vehicle accidents. Small tears in the soft tissues of the neck cause a wide variety of symptoms; some people experience pain as constant and throbbing, others describe it as sharp and shooting, and some people experience tingling or numbness. Symptoms often aren’t felt for over twenty-four hours after the accident and may only be noticeable when a person makes certain movements, but they can get worse with time.


Keeping the neck completely immobile may allow the muscles to further atrophy. We’ll devise an individualized plan of treatment for patients after examining their range of motion and taking x-rays, but usually patients should expect their care to include chiropractic adjustments and prescribed stretches at home. The slow, gentle use of force delivered by an adjustment will put joints back in their proper place while stretching out tight tissues, and doing stretches regularly will keep the muscles strong and limber. We may also reduce inflammation by applying cold laser therapy and by providing nutritional advice.


If you have recently suffered whiplash, don’t delay scheduling a visit to Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Introduction to Spinal Spurs

Spinal spurs sound scary, and it’s true that they can cause pain. But with the right treatment, they are manageable. The ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge does more than relieve symptoms; we also put patients in the best position to care for their own wellness and avoid pricey and more dangerous interventions. Therefore, we wanted to say a bit about bone spurs in the spine and why they should be treated early. 

 Bones are aliveconstantly breaking down and re-growing new tissue. Spurs are what happen when they grow tissue in an inappropriate place, often in response to inflammation. When a person’s spinal discs are degenerating, they are unable to absorb shocks and the discs’ protrusion may irritate nearby muscle and ligament tissue. The irritated tissue thickens with inflammation and distorts the vertebrae’s growth pattern. Additionally, people with osteoarthritis are at risk of developing bone spurs because the erosion of their joint cartilage causes their bones to rub together. The rubbing triggers inflammation in their joints and abnormal growth of replacement bone tissue. 


Spinal spurs could cause shooting pain, tingling, or numbness by compressing a nerve at its root. More commonly, they cause soreness. After using visual imaging to diagnose a bone spur, our treatment options include chiropractic adjustments to reduce stress on dislocated joints, soft tissue therapies such as electric muscle stimulation to reduce inflammation, and therapeutic stretches to improve flexibility. We may also recommend strengthening exercises to reduce the burden on the joints and improve posture. 


To prevent the development of spine spurs and manage symptoms associated with them, contact Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Piriformis Syndrome

Sciatica is one of the most common issues people seek relief for. At the ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge. we’re proud to say that we are able to treat it and other forms of nerve compression quickly and safely, but it’s important to recognize that sciatica can be caused by several things. A less-common but still significant cause of pelvic and leg pain is Piriformis Syndrome, and we want our patients to understand why it matters. 


 The sacrum is a body of fused vertebrae beneath the lumbar region of the spine. Several thick muscles in the pelvis connect to it, including the piriformis muscles. The piriformis muscles are wedge-shaped, located deep under several other tissues layers, and connect the sacrum to the tops of the femurs. There is one piriformis muscle on each side of the body. When functioning properly, they help to rotate the hip outward. The sciatic nerves originate from the lumbar spine, a bit above the sacrum, and run through the pelvis to the legs. They must pass through or around the piriformis muscles, and when a piriformis muscle is irritated, it could compress a sciatic nerve. 


Piriformis Syndrome shares symptoms with other lower back ailments, but it’s likelier to be the problem when the patient only feels pain or numbness on one side. At our office, we’ll perform imaging and range-of-motion tests to screen for other possibilities while making a diagnosis. We offer several options for reducing inflammation, including pulsed electromagnetic field therapy and electric muscle stimulation. Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo is also a chiropractic sports physician who can recommend stretches that will make the piriformis muscles more flexible in the future. 

 If you suffer from lower back, hip, or leg pain, contact Dr. Carmel Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

COVID-19 Tips to Boost Immunity

Basic Principles of Boosting Immunity: Focus on healing foods and herbs that have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties is of primary importance, along with improving immune system function and eliminating foods that suppress it. 


Check with your medical doctor for any drug-herb interactions and/or contraindications first. 



  • Sugar (especially refined) 

  • Dairy 

  • Corn, soy, and wheat (gluten) 

  • Hydrogenated foods 

  • Excess animal protein 

  • Excess flour intake 

  • Highly processed foods 

  • GMO Foods 

  • Artificial ingredients 

  • Chronic stress 

  • Excessive EMF exposure 

  • Limited sunshine or vitamin D supplementation 


  • Vitamin C (peppers, kale, oranges, etc) 

  • Vitamin D (sunlight and/or fermented cod liver oil) 

  • Zinc (pumpkin seeds or supplement; don’t over-do it! too much zinc supplementation can inhibit the function of the immune system) 

  • Vitamin A (supplement or leafy green veggies, fish, eggs, orange & yellow veggies) 

Specific supplements that might help: 

  • Glutathione (not for long term use) 

  • Good multi-vitamin 

  • Magnesium   

  • Omega’s  

  • Probiotics (supplement or consider sauerkraut, coconut kefir, apple cider vinegar, and/or kombucha) 


Eat more Antibacterial foods: 

  • Garlic 

  • Coconut oil 

  • Ginger 

  • Fermented foods 

  • Lemons 

  • Horseradish 

  • Honey 

  • Cabbage 

  • Onions 

  • Turmeric 

  • Basil 

  • Cranberries 

  • Mushrooms 

 Anti-Viral Herbs: (check with your doctor for contraindications or herb/drug interactions *don’t use if allergic & pregnant) 

  • Astragalus 

  • Elderberry 

  • Lemon balm  

  • Licorice root  

  • Olive leaf  

  • Oregano oil  

  • Usnea – prevents ATP formation in bacteria 

  • Garlic 

Healthy living Fundamentals: 

  • Don’t smoke. 

  • Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat. 

  • Buy organic. 

  • Exercise regularly. 

  • Maintain a healthy weight. 

  • Control your blood pressure. 

  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation. 

  • Get adequate sleep. 

  • Avoid infection by practicing basic hygeine. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

  • Follow-up with any regular medical screening tests that specifically target people in your age group and risk category. 

  • Stay Hydrated. 


When Home Remedies Are Not Appropriate: 

  • TRAUMA: Serious injury head for the emergency room. 

  • EXTREMELY HIGH FEVER: over 104 degrees F can be a dangerous situation, get emergency care.   

  • TROUBLE BREATHING: unresponsive, limp in your arms, or has glazed eyes, you need to get help. Call 911 or go to the emergency room right away.   

For additional guidance:Centers for Disease Control 


To learn more about boosting your immunity naturallycontact Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355.

Approaches to Subluxations

Chiropractic is a lot more than just pushing on someone’s back to make it feel better. At ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, we believe in p...