

Thursday, March 26, 2020

COVID-19 Tips for Working at Home

We recognize that shelter in place is becoming a reality for many. Creating a dedicated office space can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have the right chair or desk. To prevent occurrences of back pain, people need to know how to position themselves at their home based office. 


You want your chair to be at a height that allows your feet to be flat on the floor while your back is straight. Your thighs should be sloping slightly down and you should be sitting as far back in your chair as possible, with your shoulder blades against the back. The armrests should be high enough so that your shoulders are slightly lifted, and you should be able to reach your keyboard by reaching straight forward. You shouldn’t have to twist your head to see your monitors; they should be directly at eye-level. You should also empty your back pockets, so your pelvis is level while you sit. 


People who spend a lot of time seated tend to develop musculoskeletal problems. This is unsurprising, since maintaining the same position for too long can cause the tendons to shorten and many people don’t know the best posture to hold while seated.  


To keep the blood circulating through your muscles, stretch every half hour. Be sure to stretch your back, neck, and hips, and to go for a walk about every ninety minutes. If you have a standing desk, you’ll also need to switch positions about every thirty minutes and make sure your shoes aren’t cramping your toes. 


During this COVID-19 crisis, we have decided to remain open. We still feel that we can play a positive part in keeping patients out of emergency rooms or doctor's offices that would otherwise present with pain and or other musculoskeletal symptoms. 


At the ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, we provide patients with pain relief that is fast-acting and minimally invasive, but we also have a philosophy of addressing the root of the problem. To treat musculoskeletal pain and learn more about good posture, contact Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID-19 the Health and Safety of our Customers

The health and safety of our customers, employees and community are paramount to our concern. We are navigating these challenging times with everyone’s safety in mind and will keep you updated of any schedule changes. Currently, we are open with regular office hours and encourage you to continue getting adjusted. During this time of increased stress, we know that chiropractic care is vital and do not want any disruptions in our patients' care.


With this in mind we are taking the following precautions.

  • We understand that some of our patients may be hesitant to be in a room full of people. We are spacing appointment visits out so that there is plenty of space for social distancing in our lobby and adjusting area.

  • In addition we have added an air scrubbing unit to our HVAC system to keep the indoor air sanitized.

  • We ask you, to please sanitize or wash your hands before getting adjusted. We have provided hand sanitizer for your convenience and offer antibacterial soap in our bathrooms.

  • In addition, we have disposable paper masks for patients use and upon request Dr. C and staff can wear masks and gloves as well.


Please stay home if:

  • You are having any of the following symptoms: runny nose, fever, cough, sore throat.

  • You believe you have been exposed to someone who is positive with COVID-19.

  • Regardless of your age, please carefully consider whether it is appropriate to come to the office if you have underlying health conditions and are immune compromised.


Many of you have asked what we are doing to increase our immune systems to stay healthy. Here's what we are doing:

  • Getting Adjusted

  • Eating Well

  • Managing Stress

  • Getting Plenty of Sleep

  • Exercising

  • Washing our hands

  • Supplementing with Immune Boosting Supplements (Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, and Elderberry)


We love being a part of your healthcare and are here for each of you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss with us. For additional guidance: Centers for Disease Control

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been affected by COVID-19.


Dr. Caratozzolo and your ACT Wellness Team

ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia | 703-491-9355

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Lower Back Pain and Indoor Cycling

To keep your spine aligned, you need strong muscles to support it. Exercise is a key element of overall health. Indoor cycling, often also called spinning is a popular way to get aerobic exercise.  If the exercise is not done correctly or the rider's position is bad, injuries can occur; problems with the lower back and knees are most common. At ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, we work with our patients to devise routines that will keep them strong and flexible. This week, we’re going to take a look at why that is and how to prevent it.


To prevent injury and aid comfort it is crucial to make sure the bio-mechanical position of the rider is correct. Posture is always one of the first things to examine when a person is struggling with back pain. Bicycles need to be fitted to the person using them. If a person has to stretch too far forward to reach the handle bars, that will put strain on their lower back. A well-trained group cycling instructor can help you to adjust the seat and the handlebar height prior to riding. In addition, bicycle stores are usually able to fit their customers; and people inheriting a used bicycle should be properly fitted as well.


Professional cyclists can be assured of good equipment, but they still suffer from high rates of lower back pain due to uneven work-out routines. The lumbar or lower region of the spine is supported by muscles that connect to the pelvis and femurs. As those muscles get tired, the lumbar vertebrae sway side-to-side, causing joint fatigue. People who cycle regularly also need to remember to strengthen the core muscles supporting their lumbar spines. This can be done through exercises including bird-dogging and planking. Our chiropractor, Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo, is a Chiropractic Sports Physician and can help patients to identify which exercises are safest and most effective for them. He can also help people suffering from lower back pain to return to activity sooner through corrective chiropractic care.


To reduce the risk of athletic injuries and learn more about injury prevention, visit Dr. Carmelo Caratozzolo at ACT Wellness Center, 14111 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia. Call 703-491-9355.

Approaches to Subluxations

Chiropractic is a lot more than just pushing on someone’s back to make it feel better. At ACT Wellness Center in Woodbridge, we believe in p...